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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Sisk

Cultivating Community: The Impact of the First Mid-MO Homestead Expo

As the dust settles on the inaugural Mid-MO Homestead Expo, the echoes of our vibrant gathering still linger in the air. Hosting an event of this magnitude for the first time has been nothing short of an enlightening journey, adorned with incredible support from our attendees and heartwarming accolades from both participants and vendors. As we sift through the myriad of experiences, it's clear that this journey has gifted us invaluable insights into the art of organizing an event that resonates deeply with the homesteading community.

a group of women and one child gather around a table where a fleece is laid out for cleaning
Wool processing demonstration

A New Horizon: The Quest for More Space

Our foremost revelation: space is the cornerstone of growth. The overwhelming turnout has highlighted the pressing need for a larger canvas to accommodate the expanding aspirations of our homesteading family. We're already on the hunt for venues that promise not just more space but the potential for creating more immersive experiences for every attendee. This quest is not just about expanding boundaries; it's about embracing the possibilities that come with it.

The Art of Learning: Paving the Way for Longer Classes

Education lies at the heart of the Mid-MO Homestead Expo, and our aim is to enrich this experience. We've seen a thirst for knowledge that extends beyond the constraints of time. Longer classes are not just a request; they are a necessity for diving deeper into the wisdom of homesteading. We're exploring ways to introduce sessions that allow for a more profound exchange of knowledge, ensuring that every question finds its answer and every curiosity is met with exploration.

A woman takes notes during a presentation while others listen to the speaker
Taking notes

A Gathering Place: Rethinking Food and Fellowship

Food is the glue that binds our community together, and our expo should reflect that warmth and camaraderie. Bringing our food vendors closer to the heart of the event is a priority, as is the creation of covered spaces where conversations can flourish over a shared meal. This isn't just about convenience; it's about crafting moments of connection that feed not just the body but also the soul.

A man sets out plants in a tray of succulents
Lots of succulents

Resilience in Action: Ensuring Continuity in Demonstrations

Demonstrations are a vital part of the learning experience, offering live insights into the practical aspects of homesteading. This year taught us the importance of having backups—be it equipment, demonstrators, or plans—to ensure that every scheduled session goes off without a hitch. Building this resilience into our event's DNA is crucial for maintaining the flow of knowledge, regardless of unforeseen challenges.

In the spirit of growth and reflection, there are additional facets of our inaugural Mid-MO Homestead Expo experience that deserve to be shared. Each element, a thread in the fabric of our event, has shown us pathways for enhancement and opportunities for deeper connections within our homesteading community.

Navigating Together: The Promise of Better Signage

One of the clearest pieces of feedback we've received is the need for better signage. Navigating an event of this magnitude should be seamless and intuitive, allowing every attendee to move through spaces of learning and engagement with ease. We're committed to ensuring that from the moment you set foot at the next expo, the journey through its offerings will be guided by clear, helpful signs. This isn't just about directions; it's about creating a welcoming, easily navigable space that enhances the overall experience.

Celebrating Our Vendors: The Heart of Our Expo

The heartbeat of the Mid-MO Homestead Expo is undoubtedly our vendors. The diversity, quality, and passion they brought to the event were monumental. We've been touched by their words of praise, highlighting the exceptional experience they had. This success is a direct tribute to our attendees, whose enthusiasm and engagement create a vibrant marketplace of ideas and goods. Moving forward, we aim to support our vendors even more, ensuring that they, along with our attendees, find value and fulfillment in the expo.

A man in an old-fashioned bowler hat carves a wooden spoon
Carving beautiful heirloom spoons

Communication is Key: Enhancing Information Accessibility

A key takeaway for us has been the importance of communication. In the digital age, access to information is vital, and we understand the need to disseminate details about the expo through various channels to reach everyone effectively. Whether it's schedules, maps, updates, or educational resources, we're dedicated to enhancing how we share information. Our goal is to ensure that every participant, whether vendor or attendee, has at their fingertips all they need to maximize their expo experience. From social media blasts to an updated, user-friendly website, and perhaps even an email newsletter, we're exploring all avenues to keep you informed and engaged.

A young woman sits at a table with a laptop and various information about the MU Extension office
MU Extension Office well-represented

In reflection, the inaugural Mid-MO Homestead Expo was a tapestry of learning, growth, and community. Each takeaway is a stepping stone towards not just a bigger event, but a better one. An event that not only meets the expectations of our homesteaders but exceeds them, creating a sanctuary for learning, sharing, and growing together. As we embark on this journey of improvement, our hearts are filled with gratitude for the support and feedback from our community. Here's to growing together, one expo at a time.


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